All bid deadlines are 11:59pm Pacific Time the date of the bid deadline listed unless otherwise noted.

school Salida School District R-32-J
IFCB Posted : Nov 28, 2023
Bid Deadline : Wednesday, Jan 17, 2024

Questions Due By : Wednesday, Dec 20, 2023
Applicant Address : Salida, CO 81201
IFCB ID : 240006375

IFCB Requirements :

·        Before the listed deadlines, all Questions and Bids must be submitted using the on-line IFCB system. Bids submitted before the bid deadline outside of this system will be disqualified. If for some reason the system is down before the respective deadline, please email your bid to or fax it to 918.445.0049. Bids or questions submitted in this fashion will be disqualified if the on-line system is active at the time of submission.

·       For all requested services and/or products listed on this IFCB: proposals that include generic/encyclopedic price lists will be considered non-responsive and will be disqualified.


·        Bidder must agree to participate in USF Program (AKA “E-rate”) for the corresponding funding year.


·        Please include the correct Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) on your bid.


·        By submitting a bid, bidder certifies that the bidder does have a valid (non-red light status) SPIN for the E-rate program at the time of submission. Should the Applicant discover that the bidder is on red light status, or if the FCC classifies the bidder as on red-light status before work is performed and invoices are paid, the contract will be null and void and the applicant will have no payment obligations to the bidder.


·        Bidder is expected to provide the lowest corresponding price per E-rate rules.  See for details.


·        Contracts must not prohibit SPIN changes.


·        Bidder must agree to provide the Applicant the choice of discount methods (SPI or BEAR).


·        Bidder will be automatically disqualified if the District determines that the bidding company has offered any employee of the District any individual gift of more than $20 or gifts totaling more than $50 within a 12 month period. This does not apply to the recent FCC exemptions of the Gift Rule for the COVID pandemic.


·        All contracts awarded will be contingent upon E-rate funding and final board approval.  The applicant may choose to do all or part of the project upon funding notification.


·        All applicable fees, surcharges, and taxes must be identified on the bid. E-rate rules require the applicants to evaluate the price of eligible goods and services that will be listed on the 471 application during the competitive bidding process. Fees and surcharges that apply but are not listed on the bid will be the responsibility of the bidding company, should their bid be awarded.


·        If there is a request for Internal Connections (Category Two) equipment, or Category One equipment listed on this IFCB the applicant will accept bids for functionally equivalent equipment.

·        LEASED WIDE AREA NETWORK CIRCUITS DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Any and all installation charges must be identified on your bid. If you submit a bid indicating that installation charges may apply without listing those charges, we will consider your bid incomplete and disqualify your bid.

·        LEASED WIDE AREA NETWORK CIRCUITS DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Vendors must bid all connections. If vendors submit a bid missing any connection, we will consider your bid incomplete and disqualify your bid.

·        LEASED WIDE AREA NETWORK CIRCUITS DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Bids submitted for services to incorrect addresses will be disqualified.

·        LEASED WIDE AREA NETWORK CIRCUITS DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Vendors must complete and include the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets with their bid. Bids received without the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets will be disqualified.


·        SELF PROVISIONED NETWORK DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Vendors must bid all connections. If vendors submit a bid missing any connection, we will consider your bid incomplete and disqualify your bid.

·        SELF PROVISIONED NETWORK DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Bids submitted for services to incorrect addresses will be disqualified.

·        SELF PROVISIONED NETWORK DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Vendors must complete and include the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets with their bid. Bids received without the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets will be disqualified.


·        DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR C1 NETWORK EQUIPMENT: Service providers are required to bid the entire hardware project. Bids for individual components of the project will be disqualified.

·        DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR C1 NETWORK EQUIPMENT: Vendors must complete and include the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets with their bid. Bids received without the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets will be disqualified.

·        DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR C1 NETWORK EQUIPMENT:  The applicant will not accept bids from manufacturers of equipment deemed a national security threat by the Federal Communications Commission. The list of prohibited equipment is available here: Vendors that submit bids that include these manufacturers will have their bid disqualified.

·        The winning vendor will be required to complete the USAC approved Item 21 template for the project within 7 working days after notification that the vendor has won the bid.

·        DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: The applicant will not accept bids from manufacturers of equipment deemed a national security threat by the Federal Communications Commission. The list of prohibited equipment is available here: Vendors that submit bids that include these manufacturers will have their bids disqualified.


·        DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Vendors must complete and include the C2 Cover Page with their bid. Bids received without the cover page will be disqualified.


·        DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Applicant will not accept bids for refurbished equipment. Any bids containing refurbished equipment will be disqualified.

·        DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Service providers are required to bid an entire Project A, Project B, Project C or Project D.  Bids for individual components of a single project will be disqualified.

·        DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Service providers are required to bid an entire BMIC Project E, Project F, Project G or Project H.  Bids for individual components of a single project will be disqualified.

·        DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Vendors must complete and include the C2 Cover Page with their bid. Bids received without the cover page will be disqualified.

·        DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Maintenance bids listing only an hourly rate and not a monthly or annual total will be disqualified.  Vendors quoting an hourly rate are required to also a) confirm that you have the ability/expertise to maintain all of the equipment listed and b) propose a number of hours at a particular rate monthly to properly maintain the entire list of equipment.  Bids that contain only hourly rates, without confirmation that the company can service the list of equipment, or without a monthly total will be disqualified.

Services and Equipment Requested :

Category 1

Leased Wide Area Network Circuits5 connections any delivery/technology type. Leased dark fiber bidders should bid one pair of fiber strands. Lit leased fiber bidders should bid 10 Gbps - 25 Gbps. Please see the zip file available for download “Salida SD R 32 J RFP” with additional information.

LEASED WIDE AREA NETWORK CIRCUITS DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Any and all installation charges must be identified on your bid. If you submit a bid indicating that installation charges may apply without listing those charges, we will consider your bid incomplete and disqualify your bid.

LEASED WIDE AREA NETWORK CIRCUITS DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Vendors must bid all connections. If vendors submit a bid missing any connection, we will consider your bid incomplete and disqualify your bid.

LEASED WIDE AREA NETWORK CIRCUITS DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Bids submitted for services to incorrect addresses will be disqualified.

LEASED WIDE AREA NETWORK CIRCUITS DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Vendors must complete and include the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets with their bid. Bids received without the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets will be disqualified.


Self-Provisioned Networks: the applicant will accept bids for any type of technology that can achieve our connectivity goals (fiber, wireless, purchased radio/wireless bridges, etc.). Please see the zip file available for download “Salida SD R 32 J RFP” with additional information.

SELF PROVISIONED NETWORK DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Vendors must bid all connections. If vendors submit a bid missing any connection, we will consider your bid incomplete and disqualify your bid.

SELF PROVISIONED NETWORK DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Bids submitted for services to incorrect addresses will be disqualified.

SELF PROVISIONED NETWORK DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR: Vendors must complete and include the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets with their bid. Bids received without the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets will be disqualified.


C1 Network Equipment - Please see the zip file available for download “Salida SD R 32 J RFP” with additional information.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR C1 NETWORK EQUIPMENT: Service providers are required to bid the entire hardware project. Bids for individual components of the project will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR C1 NETWORK EQUIPMENT: Vendors must complete and include the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets with their bid. Bids received without the Salida SD R 32 J Pricing Sheets will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR C1 NETWORK EQUIPMENT:  The applicant will not accept bids from manufacturers of equipment deemed a national security threat by the Federal Communications Commission. The list of prohibited equipment is available here: Vendors that submit bids that include these manufacturers will have their bid disqualified.


Maintenance and Operations – 5 Connections. Please see the zip file available for download “Salida SD R 32 J RFP” with additional information.

Category 2

Voluntary Site Visit

Vendors wishing to bid on C2 can attend a voluntary site visit either December 12, 2023 or December 19, 2023. Vendors should RSVP to Josh Buckberg at  to set up a time for a site visit on December 12 or December 19. THIS EMAIL IS TO RSVP ONLY. ALL QUESTIONS AND BIDS MUST STILL BE SUBMITTED VIA THE IFCB. BIDS NOT SUBMITTED VIA THE IFCB WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.


Internal Connections (IC) – The district is replacing all equipment listed below with the goal of creating a campus fabric network with robust AI management capabilities. The district needs the switches racked, stacked and installed. The district needs the AP installed as well.

IC Project A – 1 year licensing

Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer




























Wireless Access Points



Wireless Controller



NOTE: We are requesting WAP and switch licenses on this IFCB, which sometimes may be categorized as BMIC or MIBS by USAC (the BMIC and MIBS boxes on the 470 have been checked to cover this scenario).

IC Project B – 3 year licensing

Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer




























Wireless Access Points



Wireless Controller



NOTE: We are requesting WAP and switch licenses on this IFCB, which sometimes may be categorized as BMIC or MIBS by USAC (the BMIC and MIBS boxes on the 470 have been checked to cover this scenario).

IC Project C – 5 year licensing

Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer




























Wireless Access Points



Wireless Controller



NOTE: We are requesting WAP and switch licenses on this IFCB, which sometimes may be categorized as BMIC or MIBS by USAC (the BMIC and MIBS boxes on the 470 have been checked to cover this scenario).

IC Project D – Firewall

Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer

Firewall Service and Components



NOTE: We are requesting firewall licenses on this IFCB, which sometimes may be categorized as BMIC or MIBS by USAC (the BMIC and MIBS boxes on the 470 have been checked to cover this scenario).

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: The applicant will not accept bids from manufacturers of equipment deemed a national security threat by the Federal Communications Commission. The list of prohibited equipment is available here: Vendors that submit bids that include these manufacturers will have their bids disqualified.


DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Vendors must complete and include the C2 Cover Page with their bid. Bids received without the cover page will be disqualified.


DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Applicant will not accept bids for refurbished equipment. Any bids containing refurbished equipment will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR INTERNAL CONNECTIONS: Service providers are required to bid an entire Project A, Project B, Project C or Project D.  Bids for individual components of a single project will be disqualified.

Basic Maintenance of Internal Connections (BMIC)

BMIC Project E

The district would like manufacturer’s support for the following items.

Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer




























Wireless Access Points



Wireless Controller




BMIC Project F

The district would like a block of 10 hours per month for the following items.

Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer




























Wireless Access Points



Wireless Controller




BMIC Project G

The district would like manufacturer’s support for the following items.

Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer

Firewall Service and Components




BMIC Project H

The district would like a block of 10 hours per month for the following items.

Type of Equipment

Quantity Vendor Should Bid


Preferred Make/Manufacturer

Firewall Service and Components




DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Service providers are required to bid an entire BMIC Project E, Project F, Project G or Project H.  Bids for individual components of a single project will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Vendors must complete and include the C2 Cover Page with their bid. Bids received without the cover page will be disqualified.

DISQUALIFICATION FACTOR BMIC: Maintenance bids listing only an hourly rate and not a monthly or annual total will be disqualified.  Vendors quoting an hourly rate are required to also a) confirm that you have the ability/expertise to maintain all of the equipment listed and b) propose a number of hours at a particular rate monthly to properly maintain the entire list of equipment.  Bids that contain only hourly rates, without confirmation that the company can service the list of equipment, or without a monthly total will be disqualified.

There is an additional document associated with this IFCB. Please click the buttons to download the document.

Questions Received with Applicant Answers   ( Ask Questions? )

Will you amend this 470 to include Managed Internal Broadband Services (MIBS) for leased equipment so you may evaluate an equivalent Network as a Service proposal or managed wired and wireless network proposal?


Once the 470 has been filed it can’t be amended to add different items (such as MIBS) that were not originally included. We are looking to purchase and own the equipment, not lease it.

Here are our questions: 1. AI: Can you better define the features and functionality that you are looking for when you say robust AI management capabilities? 2. Switching: a. One or two power supplies? b. Power cord type? c. Uplink requirements? d. What is the exist fiber? e. PoE requirements? f. Mgig requirements? g. Routing requirements? h. Any other feature/functionality requirements? i. Stacking requirements? j.Level of support and term? 3. Wireless a. WIFI standards requirements? b. What is the existing cable infrastructure? c. Any other feature/functionality requirements? d. Cloud or on premise controller? e. Level of support and term? 4. Firewall a. feature/functionality requirements? b. Throughput requirements? c. Interface requirements? d. Power requirements? e. Any other feature/functionality requirements? f. Term of licensing g. Level of support and term? 5. 10 hours per month PS request a. Would this be on-site or remote services? b. Term Thank you, Jeff Horning ANM - Advanced Network Management 970-778-2111


1.  We are looking for AI management capabilities that can detect, report, and begin healing/fixing any network issues on its own.  

2.  Dual PS but beyond that I don't really know about the rest.  PoE will be a requirement.  Also the ability to run BGP or other dynamic routing protocols is a must.  

3.  Preference is a cloud based controller.  The rest, I don't know.  

4.  Robust UTM features preferred.  Credential/group based policies preferred.  Looking for 1, 3 and 5 year support/licensing options.  

5.  Either, most likely remote though.  

1) Will structured cabling be inspected and upgraded where needed to support newer Access Points, with higher POE requirements? Will this be a requirement as part of the RFP or is this type of infrastructure upgrade a separate workstream? 2) The term "robust AI management capabilities" is in many cases very dependent on a very specific vendor. Many vendors however have inherent capabilities that help with operational activities like optimizing WiFi connectivity, optimizing WiFi power output, and even assisting with troubleshooting by linking dashboard issues with vendor support documents. Many vendors utilize ML (machine learning) to achieve some of this but do not broadcast that as "AI" from a marketing perspective. Will that type of operational assistance suffice or is there a strict requirement for a system that uses the marketing language "AI"? 3) How important is it to have a cohesive operational experience, the ability to see connectivity for a user or device across WiFi and wired connections, or to be able to identify locations of devices in an environment, and user/device analytics like utilization, top application usage, etc? And if this operational reporting is desired, is it required to have this all in a single operational dashboard vs. maybe one or more tools and reporting services? 4) Are cloud based management tools acceptable to Salida Schools, or do you need to have on-premises management tools? 5) Would Salida schools like to have the ability to use mobile device applications as a method of managing the environment? 6) Will there be a desire to have 802.11x capability for authenticating clients on wireless or wired connections? 7) Will Salida want to have the ability to schedule and automate software updates for Wifi and wired devices? 8) Is there a requirement to have site dependent security and firewall services or is the desire to have everything span a single site for secure Internet connectivity. 9) Is there a desire to have secure DNS integration to help mitigate DNS vulnerabilities 10) Optics question, based on equipment tab of the pricing sheet you have published, you are requesting pricing for optics that support 10, 30, and 40KM. Based on typical LR, ER, and ZR optics the typical max distances are 10, 40, and 80KM respectively. Is it okay to price those optics? Additionally, many now go from 10Gb to 40Gb. Is it okay to price 10 and 40 if 25Gb isn't an option from every vendor? Simply means you could connect locations at 40Gb instead of 25Gb? 11) Do we assume all hardware should include redundant power supplies and connections? 12) Firewall questions - a. Are any of these firewalls for Internet ingress/egress or are they all simply used for site to site VPN tunnels at this time? b. Is there a desire to have user analytics from firewall traffic? c. Does the school district want to have NGFW capabilities, items like malware detection and response, URL filtering, DNS reputation capabilities? d. With the fiber ring build out, can you describe the future purpose of these firewalls if they are currently only used for site to site connectivity? 13) Physical site questions - a. Will all switch replacements have two post or four post racks available with at least the minimum required rack units (RU's). For example if a given IDF requires two switches, will there be at least 2RU of space available? b. Is there consistent power in the IDF's, i.e. is the power treated via UPS's and is the power generally 120V or 240V? It does not change cost usually but adjustments may need to be made to power cable types and would be part of an exhausting L1 design c. Are there any installation locations that require rugged switches or AP's? i.e. anything in an environment that is extremely hot, extremely cold, high humidity, heavy vibration, etc? d. For Access points, are they fairly consistent today with how they are mounted? Are they generally mounted to false ceiling framing, or on walls, or a combination of those? Are there currently AP's mounted higher than a standard 14-18Ft ladder would reach? e. Are there any outdoor AP's and or a need for point to point radios (e.g. to connect two buildings via wireless that do not have the ability to connect via cables)? Thank you very much!


Question : 1) Will structured cabling be inspected and upgraded where needed to support newer Access Points, with higher POE requirements? Yes?  If cabling upgrades are required then that should be part of the solution scope.  Will this be a requirement as part of the RFP or is this type of infrastructure upgrade a separate workstream? Consider it a part of the RFP


 2) The term "robust AI management capabilities" is in many cases very dependent on a very specific vendor. Many vendors however have inherent capabilities that help with operational activities like optimizing WiFi connectivity, optimizing WiFi power output, and even assisting with troubleshooting by linking dashboard issues with vendor support documents. Many vendors utilize ML (machine learning) to achieve some of this but do not broadcast that as "AI" from a marketing perspective. Will that type of operational assistance suffice or is there a strict requirement for a system that uses the marketing language "AI"? That type of operational assistance will suffice.  It is understood that “AI” is a relatively loose term, however we are judging “AI” functionality relative to adding headcount to manage the network. 


 3) How important is it to have a cohesive operational experience, the ability to see connectivity for a user or device across WiFi and wired connections, or to be able to identify locations of devices in an environment, and user/device analytics like utilization, top application usage, etc? And if this operational reporting is desired, is it required to have this all in a single operational dashboard vs. maybe one or more tools and reporting services? That operational experience is desired but having it tie into an overall single pane is not a requirement. 


4) Are cloud based management tools acceptable to Salida Schools, or do you need to have on-premises management tools? Cloud is very acceptable. 


 5) Would Salida schools like to have the ability to use mobile device applications as a method of managing the environment? Yes. 


 6) Will there be a desire to have 802.11x capability for authenticating clients on wireless or wired connections? Sure?  We want the most state-of-the-art system we can afford.


  7) Will Salida want to have the ability to schedule and automate software updates for Wifi and wired devices?  Sure, that sounds great. 


8) Is there a requirement to have site dependent security and firewall services or is the desire to have everything span a single site for secure Internet connectivity. We do not want unique firewall configurations per site.  The desire is to have each site use dynamic route metrics to establish the best egress path.  Those egress paths will have a firewall with UTM. 


 9) Is there a desire to have secure DNS integration to help mitigate DNS vulnerabilities Sure, depending on price. 


 10) Optics question, based on equipment tab of the pricing sheet you have published, you are requesting pricing for optics that support 10, 30, and 40KM. Based on typical LR, ER, and ZR optics the typical max distances are 10, 40, and 80KM respectively. Is it okay to price those optics? Additionally, many now go from 10Gb to 40Gb. Is it okay to price 10 and 40 if 25Gb isn't an option from every vendor? Simply means you could connect locations at 40Gb instead of 25Gb? Yes to all of the above. 


 11) Do we assume all hardware should include redundant power supplies and connections? Redundant PS would be great but it will not disqualify standard rack switches used for PoE.  Redundant PS are very much desired for campus core routers and switches. 


12) Firewall questions - a. Are any of these firewalls for Internet ingress/egress or are they all simply used for site to site VPN tunnels at this time? b. Is there a desire to have user analytics from firewall traffic? c. Does the school district want to have NGFW capabilities, items like malware detection and response, URL filtering, DNS reputation capabilities? d. With the fiber ring build out, can you describe the future purpose of these firewalls if they are currently only used for site to site connectivity? The School District currently pays for Lightspeed classroom management and web filtering.  It is a huge waste of money.  We want to utilize an NGFW to be able to URL Filter based on specific credentials and not just an OU.  Currently, we have ASA’s that terminate IPSEC tunnels to bring remote sites back on-net.  With a proposed fiber ring, the idea would be for a firewall to provide all necessary UTM features.  The district does not currently have any 1:1 NAT or public facing hosts, so things like DPI and IDS/IPS aren’t going to be super useful up front. 


13) Physical site questions - a. Will all switch replacements have two post or four post racks available with at least the minimum required rack units (RU's). Possibly, depending on the new equipment.  For example if a given IDF requires two switches, will there be at least 2RU of space available? There should be at most locations. 


b. Is there consistent power in the IDF's, i.e. is the power treated via UPS's and is the power generally 120V or 240V? It does not change cost usually but adjustments may need to be made to power cable types and would be part of an exhausting L1 design Power to the IDF’s is a real concern.  We would be looking for advice on APUs/Batteries at each rack.


  c. Are there any installation locations that require rugged switches or AP's? i.e. anything in an environment that is extremely hot, extremely cold, high humidity, heavy vibration, etc? Not really. 


d. For Access points, are they fairly consistent today with how they are mounted? Are they generally mounted to false ceiling framing, or on walls, or a combination of those? Yes.  Are there currently AP's mounted higher than a standard 14-18Ft ladder would reach? Yes, in the gymnasium and some foyers, the height could exceed 14-18ft. 


 e. Are there any outdoor AP's and or a need for point to point radios (e.g. to connect two buildings via wireless that do not have the ability to connect via cables)? We do not have any outdoor AP’s at this time, but we would like to consider adding some to provide connectivity to the athletic fields.  Thank you very much!

1. What locations are acceptable for hub locations on a dark fiber bid? 2. Is an underground entry required for any location? 3. Is conduit running from utility poles along J St to Longfellow owned by Salida School District and available for use? 4. Would a redundant internet service be of interest in this bid or an associated bid? 5. Will the Internet be delivered at a single location (the Hub site) and then distributed across the WAN? 6. Is there an Internet Form 470 and RFP being requested for primary Internet? 7. Will each edge site need a standalone Internet (in the event of a WAN outage, fiber cut or electronics failure. Is the backup Internet going to be on a separate Form 470 and RFP?


Question : 1. What locations are acceptable for hub locations on a dark fiber bid? Do we have to specify a hub location?  Ideally we would not have a single point or site of failure. If a Hub location is required then please use Salida High School as the hub.   2. Is an underground entry required for any location? Not that I am aware of.  3. Is conduit running from utility poles along J St to Longfellow owned by Salida School District and available for use? I do not know.  4. Would a redundant internet service be of interest in this bid or an associated bid? Redundant internet services to a single location are not eligible for E-Rate. 5. Will the Internet be delivered at a single location (the Hub site) and then distributed across the WAN?  Internet should in theory be able to be delivered to any site and that egress route then picked up by the WAN.  Where the core/aggregation switch lives doesn’t necessarily have to be at the site where internet is being delivered.   6. Is there an Internet Form 470 and RFP being requested for primary Internet?  Unknown7. Will each edge site need a standalone Internet (in the event of a WAN outage, fiber cut or electronics failure. Is the backup Internet going to be on a separate Form 470 and RFP? Internet connectivity is not part of the  RFP at this time.